Saturday, August 11, 2018

1st grade Busy Bee Classroom News Week 1.5

We had a GREAT first full week! Please read the following reminders and check out our newsletter for next week!
Daily Folder
Please check your child’s folder each day. Please place any change of transportation notes on a full sheet of paper in the front pocket. You can use the change of transportation sheet or a plain sheet. Please do not write it on the calendar as previously stated. I would like for the note to be big and obvious so that it does not get overlooked in case of a substitute. Thank you!!!
During our afternoon meeting, we share how the IB learner traits help us grow. We highlight our daily successes and we reflect on our behavior. The students are responsible for recording their behavior on the chart. If you notice that it is not marked, please talk to them about remembering to write it the the square before they pack up at the end of everyday. I am very proud of all of the role model behavior we have in our classroom! Our classroom is full of thoughtful learners!!! The children are doing a wonderful job of encouraging their classmates to always do their best! 
If your child will be checking out during our lunch, (12:25-12:55) please email me in advance so that they can bring their belongings. The door is locked for safety during lunch, so students will not be able to grab their materials.
If your child is a car rider, they must arrive by 7:35 in order to receive breakfast. Students should go directly to the cafeteria. Please help to remind your children of this.
Standard Attire
Please make sure your child is in standard attire everyday. Solid leggings can be worn under dresses, but are not considered standard bottoms. 
If you have ordered supplies from the school, headphones were not included in the order. Please send in a set of headphones (not earbuds) for your child to use at school.

Here are some additional important resources for you:

6 Day Specials Rotation

Day 1: PE     Day 2:Art     Day 3:Learning Lab     Day 4:PE     Day 5: Music     Day 6: Spanish


Teasley Handbook

Teasley Standard School Attire Requirements for 2018-19

Transportation Change Form

School Supply List

Excused Absence Form

My Payments Plus to pay for school lunches online


Spelling Word Practice

Carl's Corner is a Wonderful Resource for additional spelling practice. You can use these resources for additional practice at home!!  ...