Friday, October 11, 2019

Conferences Next Week

Conferences- Week of October 14th

Please sign up for a time to meet next week. If you have not signed up for a time, I will schedule a time for you.

These days are early release days.

The link above is a sign up genius for you to choose a time that is most convenient for you.

Although we prefer face to face meetings, if you are not able to physically make it to any of the time slots, but can do a phone conference, please sign up for a time and in parentheses next to your child's name, please write "phone conference". I am happy to call you during that time for your conference.

Have a wonderful afternoon,
T. Berry

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Show support for our ATLANTA FALCONS! RISE UP! #FalconsFriday

Tomorrow students are allowed to wear a Falcons shirt or jersey and school appropriate athletic bottoms or jeans. Lets cheer on our home team and show support for our ATLANTA FALCONS! RISE UP!

Invention Time!!!

We are quickly approaching the end of our unit, Pioneers Drive Change. We are charging the students with inventing something new.

Their invention must be something that will drive change and help someone else or make lives better, just as Benjamin Franklin's inventions did.

Your assistance is needed! 

As you come across items that you would typically discard, we ask that you send them into the classroom. We are asking for items such as paper towel rolls, tissue rolls, juice cartons, jugs, cereal boxes and so on. Your child is going to create an object by using items such as these in the classroom.

Please send in these items on Monday. 

Thanks in advance!

Spelling Word Practice

Carl's Corner is a Wonderful Resource for additional spelling practice. You can use these resources for additional practice at home!!  ...