Saturday, October 27, 2018

Holiday Assistance

Do you know someone in need of Holiday Assistance for their children?  The MUST toy shop registration is open in our area from October 29-November 3.  Please check out the following link on our Counselors’ Blog for more information: 


Sherise and Corinna

Donations Please!!!

Our Teasley Distinguished Gentlemen and PEARLS students need your help! They will be assembling care packages to distribute to those in need as a community service project. They are asking for donations of items to include in these care packages. Please consider signing up to donate one or a few of these items. A box in the lobby will be available to collect the donations. Thank you in advance for your support!! We will be accepting these donations until November 7th. 

Thank you!!
The DG / PEARLS Advisors

Treats for Troops!!!

Treats for Troops!!!

Our Student Council is partnering with A+ Pediatric Dentistry of

Atlanta again this year to collect candy for Operation Gratitude!

Operation Gratitude is a non-profit organization that ships care packages to our troops around the globe. 


On Thursday and Friday, Nox. 1-2, bring in some of your extra Trick or Treating candy to share with the troops.

You can also take your candy to the Candy Buy Back Party at A+ Dentistry on Thursday, Nov. 1 from 4:00-6:00.  

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Career Day

Weekly News

Thank you to everyone who helped make Career Day such a success!!

Thank you Dr. Randolph for sharing your work in the Brain Lab with us!!

We learned a little bit about computer programming. 

 We programmed our "Ava Robot" to get across the classroom one direction at a time. :)
To try this at home, you can go to:

After many trys we finally got her to the finish line!!

We learned all about our heart beat and how to stay healthy with balanced food and exercise. 

We learned how engineers build buildings!

Friday, October 12, 2018

Performing Arts Day

CALLING ALL TALENTED PARENTS!  Teasley’s Performing Arts Day is on January 18th this year, and we need volunteers to present and perform for homeroom classes.  If you have a talent for visual or performing arts and availability to present during the school day, please email with your art form, times you are available, and the space or equipment you would need.

I look forward to seeing everyone at conferences next week! 

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

3 stars and a wish.... it's share time!

We love to share our writing with our classmates! We are working on editing our narrative writing. Our peers help us by giving us compliments and "wishes" on how to improve our writing.

Such great role models to show us how to signal we're done!!

1st grade Busy Bee Classroom News


EARLY Release tomorrow. Students are dismissed at 12:30. 

* Complete Tiger Reading Challenge in Biblionasium each month! Log 600 minutes!
* Check the class website weekly and read the newsletter!

Great Resources Available to You
* RAZ Kids (reading)
* Moby Max (math)
* Cobb Digital library (digital books)
* Math Workbooks

Looking Ahead: End of Year 1st Grade Goals

* Reading on Level I
* Reading 200+ Sight Words
* Fluently adds and subtracts within 10 (from memory)
* Conventions of writing (consistent and independent capitalization and punctuation)

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Where in the world are we???

Send in pictures of your family on vacation. We would love to add your locations to our map.
If you have not signed up for conferences on sign up genius, please do so ASAP. Thank you.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Morning Meeting and End of the day Reflection Time

Ask your child what their favorite part of morning meeting is! Mine is when they work together in collaborative groups to solve a problem. Today's problem was: How many ways can you represent the whole number. We got to use our new cuisenaire rods!! I love how they help us visualize our numbers. :)

During our afternoon reflection time, we get to share something that happened throughout the day and how we can make it better for next time. That growth mindset helps us set goals, so that we are always learning and growing! :) I love spending each and everyday with your kiddos! You would be amazed at how much you can learn by listening to them share their ideas and reflections!
We had a special reflection time yesterday to reflect on fun times that we had playing and learning with Nikilan. We will miss him dearly and wish his family all the best!!

Spelling Word Practice

Carl's Corner is a Wonderful Resource for additional spelling practice. You can use these resources for additional practice at home!!  ...