Monday, January 6, 2020

Perfect Attendance

Perfect Attendance winners are: Haran, Shanell, Hamza, Summer, Milana
GREAT job getting here on time everyday and not checking out early!!! 

Third quarter is now upon us, can you believe it?! The Teasley Attendance Team wants to reward those students who come to school on time every day. Students who have perfect attendance at the end of the quarter, ending on Friday, March 13th, will receive a free dress down day, surprise treat, and 1 entry into the end of the year drawing for a BRAND NEW BIKE! Students who have perfect attendance for the entire school year will also get to participate in an end of year celebration during the last week of school. Thank you so much for your support with getting your students to school on time every day.

Spelling Word Practice

Carl's Corner is a Wonderful Resource for additional spelling practice. You can use these resources for additional practice at home!!  ...