Monday, September 30, 2019

Career Day Volunteers

October 18, 2019 from 8:30-11:30. During this day we would like to give our students the opportunity to explore a variety of careers and learn how education is connected to a successful future.
We’re looking for energetic presenters from a broad range of careers speak to our students about the world of work. Presenters will be assigned to classrooms that are age-appropriate for 20-25 minutes and then rotate to a different classroom. It is likely that some classes may be combined for a larger audience. We welcome hands-on activities, vehicles, visual aids, displays, props, and uniforms. We can assist with display set-up and technological needs if necessary. Each class has laptops, smartboards and internet access.
If you or someone you know will be able to join us on Career Day, please fill out this form and return it to school OR email the information to us at the email addresses below by Friday, October 4, 2019. Please save the date and you will be contacted closer to the day with a schedule (specific times and class information). Thank you!
Please contact us with any questions.
Teasley School Counselors
Corinna Oliver (
770-437-5945 ext.229
Sherise Harris (Sherise. Harris
770-437-5945 ext. 230
______ I would like to participate in Teasley’s Career Day on Friday, Oct. 18.
Presenter’s name:
Child’s/Children’s name(s): Child’s/Children’s teacher(s):
Preferred Contact: Email: Phone Number:
Times available: (Ex. 8:00-10:00)
I can present in multiple classes ___________ Only my child’s class _____________.

Class News 9.30.19

Class News 

Conference sign up

Good Afternoon Parents/Guardians,

October 14-18 is Parent/Teacher conference week. I am excited to meet with you to discuss your child's progress thus far in 1st grade. Remember that these days are early release days.

The link above is a sign up genius for you to choose a time that is most convenient for you. 

Although we prefer face to face meetings, if you are not able to physically make it to any of the time slots, but can do a phone conference, please sign up for a time and in parentheses next to your child's name, please write "phone conference". I am happy to call you during that time for your conference.  

You will need a sign up genius account to sign up, but it is free! ðŸ™‚ Let me know if you have any trouble, and I am happy to help you sign up.

Have a wonderful afternoon, 
T. Berry

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Perfect Attendance WOOOHOOO!!!!

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! We are over halfway through with quarter 1, can you believe it?! The Teasley Attendance Team wants to reward those students who come to school on time every day. Students who have perfect attendance at the end of the first 9 weeks, ending on Friday, October 11th, will receive a free dress down day on October 17th, a surprise treat, and 1 entry into the end of the year drawing for a BRAND NEW BIKE! Thank you so much for your support with getting your students to school on time every day!

Tiger Tracks

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Class DOJO

Due to many requests, I am starting class DOJO. This helps your children see their positive behavior in the classroom and rewards them for their positive IB learner profile behaviors. If your child comes home with a negative DOJO point, please discuss their behavior with them and have them reflect on how they can learn and grow so that the behavior does not repeat. Thank you so much for your support!!! Please let me know if you ever have any questions or concerns. The invitations for DOJO will come home tomorrow. Thank you!!!

Career Day @ Teasley!!!

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

First Grade LEARNER AGENCY Helping The Bahamas!!!!

Please join us this Thursday for Publix Family Math Night!!! Discover the Wonders of Math!!!!

 When: Thursday, September 12, 2019 
Time: 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM 
Where: Publix Paces Ferry Center, 2451 Cumberland Pkwy SE, Atlanta, GA, 30339 

Join us for a math scavenger hunt at Paces Ferry Publix. Students will check in at the Teasley table to receive a grade level scavenger hunt. Students will complete the hands-on-math problems and return it for a treat bag! Students must be accompanied by an adult at all times.

T-Shirts On Sale NOW Order by Friday!!

Calling all parents!!!

We are still looking for a parent to help as our Room Parent.  This opportunity is a very rewarding and it is an easy way to help your child’s classroom! Room parents send out occasional emails provided by a Teasley room parent coordinator or myself.  The Room Parent also helps coordinate class parties 2-3 times a year.  The commitment is approximately 2 hours a month and a majority of the work can be handled from home. Please let me know if you are interested. Thank you in advance!!!! I greatly appreciate any and all assistance!!! No help is too little!!! MANY Thanks!!!!

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Spelling Word Practice

Carl's Corner is a Wonderful Resource for additional spelling practice. You can use these resources for additional practice at home!! 

Spelling Word List 1

Spelling Word List 2

Spelling Word List 3

Spelling Word List 4

Spelling Word List 5

Spelling Word List 6

Spelling Word List 7

Spelling Word List 8

Spelling Word List 9

Spelling Word List 10

Spelling Word List 11

Spelling Word List 12

Spelling Word List 13

Spelling Word List 14

Spelling Word List 15

Spelling Word List 16

Spelling Word List 17

Spelling Word List 18

Spelling Word List 19

Spelling Word List 20

Class news 9.9.19

Click here for our Class News 9.9.19

This week was mixed with learning and lots of fun!!! We learned all about letter blends and went on a hunt through the classroom to find them. We learned how engineers find solutions to problems. We we designed and built our own structures. We were inquirers and communicators as we discussed ways to build our structure and make it stronger. We researched various buildings that have been engineered all over the world. Some examples that we research are the Eiffel tower, Stonehenge, and Singapore's Gardens of the Bay. Image result for singapore garden towers

Back to Football Friday Fun!

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Parents’ Night Out

Parents’ Night Out
Parents, you deserve a Friday night out! Leave the childcare to the Teasley Staff where your kids will enjoy a pizza dinner and a fun-filled night of games, arts & crafts, a glow party, and more! The event will take place on Friday, September 13th from 6:00PM – 9:30 PM. The cost is $25 per student and is for Teasley K-5 students only. Space is limited, so please register before September 11th  by visiting No late registrations will be accepted. Additional pizza, snacks, drinks, and glow items will be available for purchase. All items will be sold for $1.00 - $2.00 each. Thanks for your support!

Spelling Word Practice

Carl's Corner is a Wonderful Resource for additional spelling practice. You can use these resources for additional practice at home!!  ...